
Currently, our primary area of focus centers on the exploration and study of the North American Hominid (NAH) species. By delving into their behaviors and habits, we strive to deepen our understanding of this unique population. Our ultimate objective is to foster a harmonious coexistence with these remarkable beings, promoting mutual safety and respect. Looking ahead, our mission will expand to encompass a vital legal dimension aimed at safeguarding the NAH and preserving their natural habitat for generations to come.

We have also started broadening our scope into many other strange phenomena as well.

The overarching mission of Modern Explorer is driven by the pursuit of truth, knowledge, and freedom. Our long-term goals revolve around delving into neglected fields of study and exploring controversial topics that have often been disregarded or overlooked. We recognize the imperative of making a concerted effort to uncover the validity and relevance within these uncharted territories. By embracing rigorous investigation and inquiry, we strive to shed light on unexplored realms and challenge conventional wisdom, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of our world and expanding the boundaries of human knowledge.

This will eventually take the form of a non-profit organization that can be found here: www.modern-explorer.org