
The roots of Modern Explorer can be traced back to Mateo Argüello’s upbringing in Ecuador, where an innate curiosity about the mysteries of the world and the universe took hold. This early fascination with knowledge and the desire to ignite a new era of discovery planted the seeds for what would become Modern Explorer.

However, it wasn’t until a significant encounter with something truly unknown later in life that a driving force to take action emerged. This encounter involved the enigmatic North American Hominid, diverting the initial mission of unveiling ancient mysteries of the past towards a profound focus on understanding and coexisting with present-day enigmas.

Modern Explorer has since flourished, aided by the invaluable contributions of individuals like Glenn Norberg, who joined the organization. With a shared passion for conducting interviews, creating compelling videos, designing captivating logos, and diligently tracking down eyewitnesses, our team has propelled the growth of Modern Explorer. Today, we are humbled to witness a rapidly expanding community of amazing and supportive individuals who share our relentless pursuit of truth and discovery.